Invited Speaker

Prof. Gour Gopal Roy
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IndiaSpeech Title: RHF-EAF a Sustainable Route of Steelmaking: An Exergy Analysis
Abstract: The efficient resource use with minimal energy correlating with process exergy efficiency characterizes a sustainable steelmaking process. This parameter depends on fuel type, secondary energy input such as electricity, and steel scrap utilization ability. Exergy analysis and CO2 emission of dual fuel RHF-EAF process are studied using mathematical models and compared with coal-based processes like BF-BOF and COREX-BOF. Following exciting results emerge from the study. Although BF-BOF always yields lower total exergy loss values at lower scrap levels than the RHF-EAF process, at higher scrap levels (50% scrap), RHF-EAF yields lesser total exergy loss, which further decays on hot charging of the DRI produced. RHF-EAF processes always produce higher gas-based exergy efficiency at similar scrap levels. Considering the conversion of product gas exergy to generate electricity, metal-based exergy indices of RHF-EAF processes are superior or comparable to coal-based BF-BOF and COREX-BOF processes. Net CO2 emissions through RHF-EAF processes are comparable to the BF-BOF process. Again, considering product gas conversion to electricity and carbon credit, CO2 emission from the RHF-EAF system is always lower than the BF-BOF process.