Submission Instructions

1. Abstract Submission
For those who are only interested in attendance and delivering an oral or poster presentation without publications, please submit your abstract(s) following guidelines as below:

  • Abstract should be strictly within one A4 page in length apart from the cover letter page and containing at least 200 words;
  • A cover letter page is required to include a short biography of the presenter: 1) Full Name; 2) Title information (eg. Prof./Dr./M.S./ Teacher/Student); 3) Affiliation information (Department + University/Institution + Country); 4) Research interests;
  • Abstract should be submitted in .doc format according to the Abstract Template;
  • Kindly mark "For Oral/Poster Presentation" when submitting the abstract via the Online Submission System;
  • The abstract proceedings are just for academic exchange during the conference time, and will not get published openly. Full and improved paper based on the abstract could be submitted elsewhere for further publication.
2. Full Paper for Conference Proceedings
Submission Requirements:
  • Make sure your paper is formatted according to the template:
    Proceedings Template
  • For papers to be published in Conference Proceedings, there will be a charge of USD 60 for each additional page beyond 5 pages.
  • Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is strongly prohibited. Paper originality will be checked for several times during the review process and before publication.
  • Acceptance or rejection will be announced after the peer review process (about 2 months).
3. Selected full paper for SCI Indexed Journal
No typesetting is required before your initial submission. please submit your full paper via the Online Submission System

Thermal Science
Please prepare your main text document in Microsoft Word, 10-12 pages, You can download a template here.
It publish papers giving results of the fundamental and applied research in different, but closely connected fields:
  • fluid mechanics (mainly turbulent flows), heat transfer, mass transfer, combustion and chemical processes
  • in single, and specifically in multi-phase and multi-component flows
  • in high-temperature chemically reacting flows
  • processes present in thermal engineering, energy generating or consuming equipment, process and chemical engineering equipment and devices, ecological engineering.