Invited Speaker

Prof. Ping Liu

Prof. Ping Liu

Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices, Research Institute of Materials Science, South China University of Technology, China
Speech Title: Flexible Organic Electrochromic Devices Having Multicolored, Low-Voltage-Driven and High Contrast, and Organic Photovoltaic Properties Based on Oligomers and Viologen Derivatives

Abstract: A series of organic conjugated oligomers and viologen derivatives are synthesized, their photovoltaic (OPV), electrochromic (OEC) properties and corresponding flexible electrochromic devices (FOECD) were investigated. The research results of OPV showed that the hydrogen bond interaction between electron donor and electron acceptor, and photovoltaic materials with liquid crystal and crystal properties, can improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic photovoltaic devices. The research results of OEC showed that these oligomers and viologen derivatives exhibit reversible color changes upon electrochemical doping and dedoping. The FOECD has high optical contrast is 75.2% at 700 nm. Furthermore, FOECD driven by solar cells demonstrated good stability.

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4. X.Y. Zhang, Y.Q. Xia, L.Zhou, P. Liu*, W.J. Deng,Tetrahedron, 73 (2017) 558.
5. Z.J. Wan, J.M. Zeng, H. Li, P. Liu*, W.J. Deng, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 39 (2018) 1700886.
6. J.M. Zeng, H. Li, Z.J. Wan, L.H. Ai, P. Liu*, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 195 (2019) 89.
7. J.M. Zeng, Z. J. Wan, M. M. Zhu, L.H. Ai, P. Liu*, Mater. Chem. Front., 3 (2019) 2514.
8. J.M. Zeng, H. Yang, P. Liu*, T. X. Liang, Chemical Engineering Journal, 404(2021) 126402.
9. W.J. Ye , X. Guo , X.J. Zhang , P. Liu*, Synthetic Metals 287 (2022) 117076.
10. X.J. Zhang , J.M. Zeng, P. Liu*, New J. Chem., 46 (2022), 20801
11. X. Guo , X.J. Zhang , P. Liu*, New J. Chem., 46 (2022), 20801
12. C. Qian, P. Liu*, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 266 (2024) 112669
13. P. Wang, P. Liu*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16, (2024), 2522